LOT 2 IZZI LGA: Construction of 12 Classroom Storey Building in Special Science School, Igbeagu


OCID: ocds-zinqhl-044474-EB/MPE/EP007-NG
Project Title: LOT 2 IZZI LGA: Construction of 12 Classroom Storey Building in Special Science School, Igbeagu
Planning Rationale: open tendering
Budget ID: ocds-zinqhl-044474-EB/MPE/EP007-NG090822
Budget Description: LOT 2 IZZI LGA: Construction of 12 Classroom Storey Building in Special Science School, Igbeagu
Budget Amount: ₦170,000,000
Budget Year: 2024
Procurement Method: open
Procurement Category: works


Tender Title: LOT 2 IZZI LGA: Construction of 12 Classroom Storey Building in Special Science School, Igbeagu
Tender Description : LOT 2 IZZI LGA: Construction of 12 Classroom Storey Building in Special Science School, Igbeagu
Tender ID : ocds-zinqhl-044474-EB/MPE/EP007-NG
Tender Status : complete
Procurement Method : open
Procurement Category : works
Procurement Method Rationale : open tendering
Award Criteria : Award to most responsive bid
Award Criteria Details : Award to most responsive bid
Tender Submission Method : electronicSubmission
Tender Submission Method Details : electronic submission
Procuring Entity ID : education@ebonyieprocure.eb.gov.ng
Date of Advert Publishing : 2024-02-21T08:17:12Z
Bid Opening Date : 2024-03-21T13:00
Tender Period Start Date : 2024-02-21T08:22
Tender Period End Date : 2024-03-20T16:00
Tender Period Duration in Days : 28
Tender Enquiry Period Start Date : 2024-02-21T08:22
Tender Enquiry Period End Date : 2024-03-20T16:00
Tender Enquiry Period Duration in Days : 28
Tender Award Start Date : 2024-06-05T14:00
Tender Award End Date : 2025-06-05T13:00
Tender Award Duration in Days : 365
Tender Enquiries/Clarifications : open
Tender Notice PDF : 0
Items Classification Scheme : NG-TIN
Items Classification ID : UNSPSC-86120000
Items Quantity: 12
Items Unit : No
Items Delivery Address: IZZI LGA
Number of Tenderers: 1
S/N Company Envelope Bid Opening Status Tender Amount Financial Bid Score % E.O Award Status
1 BENHEN ENGINEERING LTD Price BOQ Opened 250,069,000.00 0 Awarded


Award Title: LOT 2 IZZI LGA: Construction of 12 Classroom Storey Building in Special Science School, Igbeagu
Award Description : LOT 2 IZZI LGA: Construction of 12 Classroom Storey Building in Special Science School, Igbeagu
Award ID : ocds-zinqhl-22371
Award Status : active
Award Date: 05-06-2024 13:13:40
Award Criteria : Award to most responsive bid
Award Amount : ₦172,000,000
Award Items Classification Scheme : Award to most responsive bid
Award Items Classification ID :
Award Items Quantity: 12
Award Items Unit : No
Award Items Delivery Address : IZZI LGA
Contract Period Start Date : 2024-06-05T14:00
Contract Period End Date : 2025-06-05T13:00
Contract Period Duration in Days : 365
Contractor/Supplier Name : BENHEN ENGINEERING LTD
Contractor/Supplier Address : No 1C Udemezue street
Contractor/Supplier Email : uguruuchenna9@gmail.com
Contractor/Supplier Phone : 08066054814
Contractor/Supplier website : https://ebonyieprocure.eb.gov.ng/report/economic_operator.php
Procuring Entity Name: MINISTRY OF EDUCATION
Procuring Entity Address : ABAKALIKI, EBONYI STATE
Procuring Entity Representative Email.: education@ebonyieprocure.eb.gov.ng
Procuring Entity Representative Phone :
Procuring Entity website : http://www.ebonyistate.gov.ng/Ministry/Education/


Contract Title : LOT 2 IZZI LGA: Construction of 12 Classroom Storey Building in Special Science School, Igbeagu
Contract Description: LOT 2 IZZI LGA: Construction of 12 Classroom Storey Building in Special Science School, Igbeagu
Contract Award ID : ocds-zinqhl-044474-EB/MPE/EP007-NG
Contract Status : active
Contract Period Start Date : 2024-06-05T14:00
Contract Period End Date : 2025-06-05T13:00
Contract Period Duration in Days : 365
Contract Amount : ₦172,000,000
Contract Date Signed :
Contract Item Classification Scheme : UNSPSC
Contract Item Classification ID :
Contract Item Quantity : 12
Contract Item Unit : No
Contract Item Delivery Address : IZZI LGA


Contract Implementation ID: ocds-zinqhl-0315093070
Contract Period Start Date : 2024-06-05T14:00
Contract Period End Date: 2025-06-05T13:00
Contract Period Duration in Days : 365
Total Amount(Total to be paid to contractor) : ₦172,000,000
Balance to be paid : ₦0
Implementation Status : tender