Tender No ocds-zinqhl-011061-EB/MPE/EP007-NG
Advertising/Procuring Entity MINISTRY OF EDUCATION
Tender Name Training of 1010 Head Teachers of Public Primary Schools and 443 Principals of Secondary Schools in Ebonyi State on the Skills to Register Pupils and Students electronically
Opening Date 2022-06-24T14:00
Deadline 2022-06-24T14:00

S/N Company Envelope Bid Opening Status Tender Amount Financial Bid Score %
1 Codefest international Price BOQ Opened 3,000,000.00 0
2 ON-POINT DYNAMIC SYNERGY LTD Price BOQ Opened 3,534,923.00 17.83075
3 ANALYST AI COMPUTERS Price BOQ Opened 3,100,000.00 3.3333333333333