Tender No ocds-zinqhl-007183-EB/MPE/EP007-NG
Advertising/Procuring Entity MINISTRY OF EDUCATION
Tender Name LOT 1: PROCUREMENT OF BESDA BOOKS - Procurement of P1 English Textbooks (Early Grade Reading) 14,160 copies and Procurement of P1 Igbo Textbooks (KA ANYI GUO) 14,160
Opening Date 2021-09-20T14:00
Deadline 2021-09-20T14:00

S/N Company Envelope Bid Opening Status Tender Amount Financial Bid Score %
1 TOMECO MEGA INVESTMENT LTD Price BOQ Opened 39,972,972.00 -14.323791266868
2 SEETOO IDEALS NIG Price BOQ Opened 36,898,128.00 -20.914268861724
3 TELMZ PROJECTS LTD Price BOQ Opened 32,614,870.00 -30.094804151359